Jenner, cowpox, smallpox, and the first vaccine

arodri03 at interserv.com arodri03 at interserv.com
Tue Sep 12 12:19:38 EST 1995

On May 14 1796 Edward Jenner, an English physician, demonstrated for the first time that it was possible to induce protection 
against  a dangerous disease through immunization. Next year will be the 200 year aniversary of the development of the first 
vaccine. This vaccine led to the erradication of smallpox in 1979 by world-wide collaborations coodinated by WHO.
This is a very important date in Human and Immunology history. I will be posting more details about Jenner's story. I will also 
appreciate any comments anybody may have that will enrich this posting.
Ana Maria Soler-Rodriguez, Ph.D.

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