Ana Maria,
don't forget the prior technique known as variolation, where protection
from smallpox was sought by inoculating a small amount of smallpox virus.
This was current in Britain shortly before Jenner's observations on cowpox
and has a very long history. I believe there are reports from China
dating back over 1000 years of dried crusts of smallpox lesions being
used, perhaps an early attempt at attenuation or inactivation of the
Paul Travers
Paul J Travers phone : +44-(0)171-631-6862 (office)
ICRF Structural Biology Unit " " " 6868 (lab)
Birkbeck College fax : +44-(0)71-631-6803
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX email : travers at
England or : paul at