Immunology and MS

R M Bernstein ralph at ccit.arizona.edu
Thu Sep 7 16:25:42 EST 1995

In Article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950825215733.24652G-100000 at noel.pd.org>, Betty
Martini <betty at noel.pd.org> wrote:

>Aspartame is a molecule composed of three components:  aspartic acid, 
>phenylalanine and methanol.  Once ingested the methanol, wood alcohol 
>that has killed or blinded thousands of skid row drunks converts into 
>formaldehyde and formic acid (ant sting poison).  This causes metabolic 
>acidosis.  The reason there is such an epidemic of chronic fatigue 
>syndrome is because the methanol breaks down the immune system.  The 
>methanol also converts to formaldehyde in the retina, which is why so 
>many people are going blind.  Aspartame is a seizure triggering drug and 
>caused grand mal seizures and brain tumors in lab animals - just for 

    ok, the problems that may be associated with aspartame is 
Ralph M. Bernstein
Dept of Micro/Immuno
University of Arizona
Ph: 602 626 2585
Fx: 602 626 2100
url: http://lamprey.medmicro.arizona.edu

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