Jenner, cowpox, smallpox, and the first vaccine

David Peritt Peritt_d at a1.mscf.upenn.edu
Thu Sep 14 09:26:25 EST 1995

In article <438972$630 at data.interserv.net> , arodri03 at interserv.com
>Finally, I think Jenner deserves recognition for his drive and
perseverance in 
>standing up for 
>vaccination during years of attempts to discredit or deny the value of
the procedure.

and having the grant money, being in the proper class, having the proper
education and being in a setting (institute/country) that affords one
notoriety.  Makes you wonder what some poor slob without proper
immunological training at a backwater institute in a developing nation is
working on now.

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