Human Bcell culture

Gavin Fischer gfish at bu.edu
Wed Sep 13 20:02:50 EST 1995


I am interested in obtaining B cells from Peripheral blood, but
am under the (possibly erroneous) impression that the apoptosis
of the B cells is quite rapid (1 day). I am in need of a way to keep
them alive and responsive for about 4 days (assay ends). I guess that
I could accept death as long as a fair number of the cells were still
alive, but am unsure how I would interpret results of no response under
those conditions (just say that all the cells were dying, and the ones
that hadnt yet were going to and thus did not respond). Anyway- Bottom
line is I would like to keep the B cells alive for a few days and dont
know how. references and or personal help gratefully accepted.

Gavin Fischer
BU Immunology Program 

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