Thanks - rabies: another ?

Ana Ana
Thu Sep 14 14:18:50 EST 1995

There seems to be sporadic appearances of rabies every year in Texas, where I live. Right now there 
seems to be an outbreak in south east Texas, I live in Houston.  I don't know how big the outbreak 
is but it is under control. We are sometimes visited by raccons and bats, so the carriers are out there.I 
know this because a couple of days ago my 18 month old boy was bitten by a neighbor's dog. (Nasty 
little white poodle. Sorry if you have a poodle) My son had three bleeding scratches on his right index 
finger. The doctor put him on antibiotics for ten days.(for the other yucky stuff the dog may have had in 
its mouth or any others that might enter the body through the open scratches). The dog was up to date 
on its vaccines, nevertheless by Texas Law it was quarantined for ten days, just in case of rabies. For 
what a have read on this post, 10 days may not be ehough. So far, so good, but I keep an eye on that 

Ana Maria Soler-Rodriguez
arodri03 at interserv.com

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