Common Variable Imm.Def?

Thomas Hastings Bummer at cris.com
Thu Sep 14 22:37:56 EST 1995

A relative of mine has been diagnosed with <quoted from phone 
conversation> "Common Variable Immune Deficiency". The condition was 
preceded by several years of susceptibility to infections, particularly 
of the respiratory tract, and migraine headaches (though it is unclear to 
me if the headaches are thought to be related to the deficiency). 
Laboratory results, I am told, indicated lowered levels of several of the 
immunoglobulins, and either lowered numbers or lowered activity (I'm 
getting this second-hand, remember) of the t-cell population.

The internal medicine person reports seeing only 2-4 of these per year.

Could anyone add some information to what little I have now?

Thanks, Tom Hastings
bummer at cris.com 

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