small volume dialysis

David Peritt Peritt_d at a1.mscf.upenn.edu
Fri Sep 15 12:25:15 EST 1995

In article <mkaplan-1309951323190001 at sph-cb-lg3.harvard.edu> Mark Kaplan,
mkaplan at mbcrr.harvard.edu writes:
>   Put your sample in a microfuge tube.  Poke a hole or two in the top of
>the tube with an 18 ga. needle.  Place appropriate dialysis membrane over
>the opening of the tube and close the top.  Place the tube in a floater
>and put the entire unit inverted into the buffer you want to dialyze
>against.  Only cautionary note is to be sure the tubing doesn't rip when
>you close the top.

for smaller volumes do this procedure upside down.  We put the sample in
the lid of a 1.5 eppendorf for 200yl or even a .5 eppendorf for smaller
volumes.  You cut the tube in half with tough scissors.  Place membrane
over cap and close over with the cut tube.  

tips:  you can cut tube from cap, you can write on top of cap for ID and
best of all for large # of samples you can string them like christmas
lights by not cutting the dialysis membrane.....  remember to use 1 ply
membrane, slit membrane

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