biotinylated antibodies in FACS

U12201 at uicvm.uic.edu U12201 at uicvm.uic.edu
Sun Sep 17 14:52:52 EST 1995

IMHO the best biotinylation reagent is Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin from Pierce.
Sulfo-NHS means it is water soluble (No nasty DMSO)
the LC part is the "Long Chain", so that you get better interaction
with the avidin later. Protocol is easy and comes with product.

In article <dtyyu.32.0011C4F8 at ucla.edu>, dtyyu at ucla.edu (David Tak Yan Yu) says:
>For looking at cell surface antigens by FACS, would biotinylated antibodies be
>more senstive than unconjugated antibodies.  What is the best way of
>conjugating antibodies with biotin?  What is the best avidin marker?  Is it
>difficult to work out the optimum conc of first and second reagents in
>staining the cells?
>David Yu
>dtyyu at ucla.edu

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