Q: Dendritic Cells and GM-CSF

macpherson at molbiol.ox.ac.uk macpherson at molbiol.ox.ac.uk
Tue Sep 19 12:28:28 EST 1995

In article <bernard.365.000F2413 at ccnet.up.ac.za>, bernard at ccnet.up.ac.za (Bernard A. Nieuwoudt ) writes:
> Hi there,
> Is anybody working on the differentiation of dendritic cells under the 
> influence of GM-CSF?
> We would like some information, if you would be so kind?

You should look at the papers of Inaba and Steinman (mouse blood and bone 
marrow), Dalgleish (mouse liver) amd myself (rat lymph) for a start.  If you 
need any more information, let me know.

Gordon MacPherson

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