Picornavirus - Pronunciation

Robert Citek eaou452 at rigel.oac.uci.edu
Tue Sep 19 13:03:47 EST 1995

On 15 Sep 1995, Allen Wang wrote:

> What's the Picornavirus?

The Picornavirus name comes from 'pico' meaning small, 'rna' 
which is their genomic makeup (instead of DNA), and 'virus'. 
But instead of being pronounced pico-r-n-a-virus, it sounds
more like pea-corn-ah-virus.

BTW, a good WWW site for viruses is the 
'Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin' at 

Also try the bionet.virology newsgroup.

Robert Citek                University of California, Irvine
rwcitek at uci.edu             Environmental Analysis and Design
                            Environmental Virology
Lab: (714) 824-8405         134 Social Ecology
FAX: (714) 854-6968         Irvine, CA  92717-5150

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