In article <mkaplan-1309951323190001 at>, mkaplan at (Mark Kaplan) writes:
>In article <ctrambas-1309951228300001 at>,
>ctrambas at wrote:
>>> Does anybody know of an easy and reliable method for dialysis of very
>> small volumes? (eg. for removing azide from commercial antibody sources)
>> Would appreciate any input. Thankyou.
>> Put your sample in a microfuge tube. Poke a hole or two in the top of
>the tube with an 18 ga. needle. Place appropriate dialysis membrane over
>the opening of the tube and close the top. Place the tube in a floater
>and put the entire unit inverted into the buffer you want to dialyze
>against. Only cautionary note is to be sure the tubing doesn't rip when
>you close the top.
>> Mark Kaplan
There's an even simple and very elegant method described in a recent issue of
BioTechniques Vol 19, No. 2 (1995). In that method, the cap of a microfuge
tube is cut off, and then the ring around the top of the tube (against which
the cap would rest) is also cut off (with a sharp blade, eg. scalpe). The
sample can be placed in the cap's chamber, dialysis membrane placed on top, and
the ring pushed down to seal the membrane in place. This assembled apparatus
is then inverted onto the buffer. Several samples at once can be dialyzed
together by using a long strip of dialysis membrane with several chambers.
This is a very nice technique--I wish I had thought of it!.