Information wanted for Psychoneuroimmunology research

Mike Callaghan jmc
Wed Sep 20 13:54:01 EST 1995

I have a contact who is working in a hospital in Romania in the area of
oncology.  She is interested in the psychoneuroimmunological aspects and
has asked if I can help locate any useful resources e.g. recent journal
articles.  As this is not my field, I would like to ask subscribers to this
newsgroup if they can help.  Contact details are as follows:

Dr Anca Elena Hodorog M.D.
Dept. Radiology
RO 3400 Cluj Napoca

email:  oncol at cluj.iiruc.ro

Many thanks,

Mike Callaghan
Dept. Computer Science
De Montfort University
Leicester UK
jmc at dmu.ac.uk

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