coating with avidin

Torsten Boerchers borcher at uni-muenster.de
Wed Sep 20 12:56:52 EST 1995

Dear netters

I cannot find the appropriate reference anymore:

Does anybody have the conditions for coating
of microtiterplates (nunc-maxisorb) with
avidin on hand (buffer, concentration of avidin).

Thank you very much for helping me.
                          Torsten Boerchers                            /
    _/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/    Institute of Chemical- and Biochemical Sensor/
   _/  _/     _/   _/   Research (Molecular Biology Group)           /
  _/  _/     _/_/_/    Mendelstr 7, D-48149 Muenster, Germany       /
 _/  _/     _/    _/  Fax: +49-251-980 2890 Phone: +49-251-980 2876/
_/  _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/  E-Mail: borcher at uni-muenster.de              /

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