In article <43m8os at>, Paul Norman <p.norman at>
> I need to look at cytokine production by different populations of human
PBL. Ideally this would be
> by 3 colour flow cytometry but the only methhods I'm aware of involve
stimulation and culture of
> cells (eg Jung et al 1993).Has anyone any thoughts or ideas on the
detection of cytokine
> production ex vivo? Cheers, Paul.
This is a hot area right now. I have done a little work in on this with
Margot Skinner, but suggest that you contact either Anne O'Garra at DNAX
in California or Margot Skinner at Genesis in New Zealand, who would
probably share their recent work, and have done far more than myself.
If you can't find/don't have their addresses, email me. (I don't feel
happy passing out other peoples addresses over the net).
Cheers, Mark