Sinthetic peptides

Robert C. Newton Robert_C._Newton at dmpcfc.com
Thu Sep 21 07:36:31 EST 1995

Your wrote:
George replied to an inquiry over companies that do peptide synthesis cheap:

> There are quite a number of companies that will custom synthesize
> peptides.  Cheap is a relative term.  Price will depend on the specific
> peptide, quantity required, how fast you want it and if you need it
> produced to conform to any governmental regulations.

I might echo George's comments by adding that cheap can also mean a lot of
buffer salts in the final lot and impure contaminants.  I have purchased
peptides where up to 40% of the wieght was buffer salts.  Also ask for and
check the QC specs - I have also seen people get peptides which looked pure
because the company ran a very fast RPHPLC gradient to compress all the
impurities into one peak.  One compnay we work with routinely is QCB
Biochemicals.   Jordan Fishman runs the place and will work with you to
deliver whatever you need (he even conjugates and prepares antibodies) for a
very reasonable price.  He hasn't disappointed us yet.  

Quality Controlled BIochemicals, Inc.
3 Avenue D
Hopkinton, MA 01748-2215
(508) 435-2080
FAX 435-2199


  All comments/opinions in this message are solely those of the sender, 
        and do not necessarily reflect the views of the employer.       

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