In article <1995Sep15.151759 at>,
u2605163 at (Jill Maddox) wrote:
>We are interested in purchasing a 96 well dispenser (standard microtitre
>plate format) so that we can set up lots of identical plates with different
>samples in each well. Does anyone know who sells such a product?
>>>Jill Maddox
>Centre for Animal Biotechnology
>University of Melbourne
>Parkville 3052
>phone 61 3 9344 7344
>fax 61 3 9347 4083
>e-mail U2605163 at>There are several companies that make equipment to prepare microtiter plate
products. To my knowledge all are made to dispense the same antigen in the 96
wells. From you question, I suspect you wish to dispense different
analytes or antigens into the different wells.
If done commercially, we would make several plates of one antigen and later
interchange strips to prepare plates with either 8 or 12 different analytes or
If this sounds usefull, then I suggest that you determine the average batch
size. If less than 200-300, I suggest that you prepare the plates by hand. If
more than 300, then equipement may be useful, but the capital cost will be
between $15,000 and $30,000 (US).
If interested, I might suggest ways to keep your labor done and make plates by