EM Study!

KRISHNA GOPALA S gk1702 at csc.albany.edu
Thu Sep 21 11:24:39 EST 1995

             Do  You  Have  Work  On  Transmission, Scanning, Cryo-
            Electron Microscopes, Elemental Analysis and Image
            I am a Certified Electron Microscopist from V.A.Hospital,
            Albany, NY and I have two years experience on specimen    
            preparation, processing for Transmission, Scanning, Cryo-
            Electron Microscopes, Ultramicrotomy, Photographic techniques.
            If you send your specimen samples, I can process them and
            take very nice pictures under Transmission, Scanning Electron
            Microscopes and also perform elemental analysis under SEM
            and mail them to you.
            I charge very less money per sample comparative to other
            people.  I charge $50 per sample.
            I can process any plant, animal specimens for Electron
            Microscpy study.  Please send $50 cash or check and specimen
            sample to Mr.Krishna, 248 Shakerrun Apts, Albany, NY-12205.
             Please E-mail your questions to:
                gk1702 at ix.netcom.com
            Approximate time for specimen preparation, processing 
            for TEM and SEM:

            Specimen processing time for TEM      24 Hours
            & SEM:                                     
            Ultramicrotomy, thick, thin
            section slides preparation,
            positive, negative staining
            techniques, observation under
            Transmission electron microscope
            depending upon microscope time      
            and photography techniques            1 to 2 days

            Specimen preparation for SEM
            i.e. sputter coating or sputtering
            or carbon coating, observing under
            SEM and taking pictures               1 to 2 days
            I need to pay for chemicals, electron microscopy time,
            for purchasing film for both TEM and SEM etc that is
            why I am charging $50 per specimen.  I apologize I
            mentioned $10 per sample in my last posting and it
            is not feasible for me.

            P.S.: This is not scam or some thing nonsense. 
                  I completed B.S. in Biology and Chemistry,
                  M.S. in Biology, Master of Philosophy in Biology,
                  one year intensive training on Electron Microscopy
                  at The School Of Electron Microscopy, Veterans
                  Hospital, Albany, NY and I am a certified
                  computerprogrammer.  I have strong ambition to
                  utilise my Electron Microscopy skills in the
                  field of Biology and Medicine.  This way, I
                  can fulfil my ambition to become a diagnostic
                  Electron Microscopist and inturn I will be 
                  useful to The School Of Electron Microscopy,
                  V.A.Hospital, Albany, NY.


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