In article <43tij7$hon at>, kelso at (Janet Kelso) writes:
|> I was wondering if any research has been done on whether or not the 50
|> kilodalton cytoplasmic domain of the class I MHC plays a role in signal
|> transduction. If so, what is the outcome of the signal?
|>|> Just interested...anyone got any ideas?
All I know is there's a Tyr which can be phosphorylated by
pp60(v-src) and is quite conserved.
(Guild et al PNAS 80: 2894-98 1983)
Does anyone know if this was followed up or if anything else
has been done since?
Ingrid Jakobsen at
Human Genetics Group
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University.
P.O. Box 334 Canberra, ACT 2601