Job available

Daniel Shoskes dshoskes at ucla.edu
Fri Sep 22 12:37:23 EST 1995

I have a newly created opening for a research associate in my transplant
immunology lab. I am particularly interested in someone with rodent
microsurgery experience who has performed heart and/or kidney transplants.
Minimum of MSc or BA with 2 years experience. Salary range $2200-$3000 per
month plus benefits depending on experience and ability to do microsurgery
and/or immunology bench work.  Please respond by email or other inferior
form of communication below.

Daniel Shoskes MD FRCSC
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Box 5 1000 W Carson St
Torrance, Ca

(310) 222-2727
Fax: (310) 222-2856

dshoskes at ucla.edu

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