Mr. Calahan,
I have some information for your friend. Could you please send me her
address again? I've tried to e-mail her once and it was bounced back.
Mark Pavlick
In article <43poqo$9fv at macondo.dmu.ac.uk>, Mike Callaghan <jmc> wrote:
> My original posting - deleted accidentally ...
>> I have a contact who is working in Oncology/Radiology in Romania. She has
> asked me to try and provide her with useful resources in the area of
> psychoneuroimmunology (e.g. recent journal articles), to aid in her medical
> research. As this is not my area, I would like to ask the subscribers to this
> newsgroup to help, if at all possible. The contact details are as follows:
>> Dr. Anca Elena Hodorog M.D.
> Dept. of Radiology
> RO 3400 Cluj-Napoca
> Romania
>> email: anca at oncol.cluj.iiruc.ro> ================================
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Callaghan
> Dept. Computer Science
> De Montfort University
> Leicester UK
>> email: jmc at dmu.ac.uk