attempted post

jake jake at my.place
Wed Apr 3 20:56:34 EST 1996

 Search Request: K=VENLAFAXINE AND SEXUAL              MEDLINE (3 yrs)   (LMED)
 Medline Record -- 4 of 4 Entries Found                               Long View
 UNIQUE ID:      (NLM)95084987.
 AUTHOR:         Andrews J M. Nemeroff C B.
 TITLE:          Contemporary management of depression.
 SOURCE:         Am J Med 1994 Dec 19; 97(6A): 24S-32S.

 ABSTRACT:       Major depression is a common and disabling disorder with far-
                   reaching social and economic implications. Nonetheless,
                   major depression is treatable by one of the many currently
                   available antidepressants with response rates of
                   approximately 65-70%. Treatment of depression has improved
                   in recent years because of the availability of effective and
                   well-tolerated antidepressants, such as the selective
                   serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The currently
                   available antidepressants are generally equally effective
                   and are distinguished primarily by side-effect profiles. The
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