3-series eicosanoids

Jeff Kirsch jdkirsch at alaska.net
Wed Apr 3 15:19:12 EST 1996

If anyone could give me some references to work being done in the area of 
the immunomodulatory effects of omega 3 FA derivatives, such as PGE-3 and 
LTB-5, I would greatly appreciate it.  I am more interested in work that 
has been done directly investigating the effects of these substances on 
cell cultures, rather than simple feeding trials.  Also, any work done in 
the area of synthetic pathways of these substances would be welcomed.  
Any source will do--journal citations, monographs, symposia, or even just 
the names of PIs involved in the field.

Thanks in advance.

Jeffrey D. Kirsch
jdkirsch at alaska.net

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