Splenic Function study Results

Notice notice at immuno.com
Thu Apr 4 07:02:32 EST 1996

		Splenic Function in HIV Reversation

 An independent research group has done intensive studies of 
major medical journals and reviewed hundreds of research protocols
concerning studies of the spleen's function and activities.

 It is now clear that the spleen can play a vital, if not the primary 
role, in eradicating the HIV virus from the body. 

 This is based on numerous repetitive conclusions that the lymphocyte
production via splenic involvement is extraordinarily active during
viral insurgance and the spleen displays extreme cooperative relationship
with other immunological systems.

 For specific information regarding this discovery & how it may apply to 
ridding this dreaded plague once and for all, search the web pages for

<This coverciveness is necessary to discourage mockers>

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