Splenic Function study Results

Stacy Ferguson sef at med.unc.edu
Sat Apr 6 21:41:59 EST 1996

In article <3167207F.2FF5 at rex.re.uokhsc.edu>,
Kiley R. Prilliman <kprillim at rex.re.uokhsc.edu> wrote:
>My apologies to you and the group, Stacy; I checked out the alt.spleen 
>group, and I see what you mean.  I suppose I reacted in a rather hostile 
>manner due to the fact that there have been some highly improper 
>postings to the bionet.immunology group SPECIFICALLY throughout the past 
>few months.

Oh, no need to apologize. As both one who's into both research and the
silly spleen humor (I read both the bionet.immunology and alt.spleen
groups), at least I found the original post more entertaining than the
threads on why humans drink milk :) Just be glad there isn't more cross-
posting between alt.spleen and bionet.immunology. Those questions about
what to do when one's spleen starts ordering pizzas behind its owner's back
just wouldn't fit into the bionet newsgroup!

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