Cytokines Web

Simon M. Brocklehurst smb at bioch.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 9 10:08:04 EST 1996

Dear All,
  There are apparently a number of problems with some references to the 
CYTOKINES WEB either in the printed literature, or on various
Web pages. The problems arise due to problems of minor incompatibility 
between different browers  e.g. the specification:


won't work for all browsers.  In some cases (as in the example above), 
the way the URL is referenced mean the link will fail completely, 
in others links further down in the hierarchy in the Web will be 
  The URL reference for the Cytokines Web that should work for all 
browsers is:


  I know that this is too late for references in already in print, and also
that these might seems easy things for a surfer to sort out, but not
everyone is experienced at using the Web.  Hopefully this post may 
save a few phone-calls and e-mails from people wanting to 
visit the site, having seen the URL somewhere...  also, if you have a 
Web page with a link to the site, I'd be grateful if you'd change any 
hypertext references to the Cytokines Web that aren't as specified above.  

  Thanks a lot!
|  ,_ o     Simon M. Brocklehurst,
| /  //\,   Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences, Department of Biochemistry,
|   \>> |   University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
|    \\,    E-mail: smb at bioch.ox.ac.uk | WWW: http://www.ocms.ox.ac.uk/~smb/ 

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