mtDNA primers - Call for Marathon!!!

Benny Shomer bshomer at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Apr 9 23:48:17 EST 1996


                The PCR Primers database  -  An update.
             A call for a mitochondrial DNA primers marathon.


The PCR primers database is a practical database of fully tested and optimized
primers for PCR reactions. The database contains all the data items required 
to reproduce precisely the reaction conditions of the submitting author and
contact details in case of a need.

To enhance the rate of information flow into the database and obtain focused
interest, I would like to invite colleagues to take a part in a "marathon"
of collecting primers that were sucessfully used in PCR amplifications of
mitochondrial DNA from various species. This theme has been selected due to a
great interest on behalf of many people who enquired about the presence of 
such primers.  If this initiative will be sucessful, other themes will be 
selected according to need.

Please let your colleagues know about the database and about this call, 
especially those researchers who are off the network or who do not read the
bionet newsgroups on a regular basis.

Obviousely, submission of any other primers are definitely allways welcome.

*    Data submissions:
     The database relies heavily on submissions from users.  The importance to
     the users community will increase with the increase in entry numbers. 
     Users are encouraged to submit primers to the database.  Submissions can
     be made either through the WWW or by using a text based submission form.
     If you maintain large numbers of primers in a spreadsheet or small
     database or a simple but organized text file, please contact me. I can
     process large numbers of entries from almost any format.

Summary of access means:
The database home page can be accessed  directly at:

The data and documentation can be obtained through anonymous ftp to:
ftp.ebi.ac.uk   under: /pub/databases/primers/

Searches at the CAOS/CAM server:

Users who have no other means of connection besides email, can now use the 
EMBL-EBI automatic mail server to retrieve the database files and
documents. To start working with the mail server in general, send a
message containing the word "HELP" either in the subject line or in the
body of message, to:  netserv at ebi.ac.uk Here are the commands which are
available for the primers database:

Here is a summary of all the available commands for the primers database,
that can be specified in an email message sent to netserv at ebi.ac.uk
To obtain                                     send the command
A general help file                           HELP PRIMERS
The database fields definitions file          GET PRIMERS:DEFINITIONS
A bogus filled entry as an example            GET PRIMERS:EXAMPLE
An electronic data submission form            GET PRIMERS:SUBMISSION.FORM
The actual data file with the entries         GET PRIMERS:PRIMERS

Dear colleague, please do not forget, this database will NOT be created
by journal scanning and active searching, but from direct submissions from
researchers only.  The key to the success of this database is your
submissions, so do set aside some spare time and send your primers.

Our email:  primers at ebi.ac.uk
WWW      :  http://www.ebi.ac.uk/primers_home.html
fax      :  +44 1223 494468
Phone    :  +44 1223 494437

I highly welcome any questions, corrections, remarks or discussions concerning
the PCR Primers database (Email is the most preferred way).

Best wishes. Good luck with your PCR experiments.


Benny Shomer

Email: bshomer at EBI.ac.uk

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