Mexico position for Molecular Immunologist

Tue Apr 16 21:41:05 EST 1996

Molecular Immunologist (date of post 16/04/1996)

Junior permanent position to work in the field of immune molecular recognition
are available at the National University of Mexico. Ph.D.'s with
experience in biochemical studies of antigen/antibody interaction, molecular biology applied to the study of immune response (gene cloning, sequenciation, etc.), sequence analysis, are required. We are seeking for
people with interest in basic research with an integrative aproach
on the study of general strategies of the vertebrate immune system.
People interested please contact Dr. Enrique Vargas-Madrazo at
evargas at uv4.invest.uv.mx
  The position available is for a period of three years
of renewal. After this period, if the work is evaluated as
satisfactory the position will come permanent.
         The new laboratory is the result from an agreement between
the National University of Mexico and the Veracruzana University.
The seat of the laboratory  will be the City of Xalapa at the
state of Veracruz. Xalapa (1500 m. over the sea level) is a
medium size city (300,000) and is the capital of the state of
     For information about the Veracruzana University please see

     For information about our Molecular Biology Laboratory here
in Xalapa  please see at:


 The candidates must send their curriculum vitae with all its
publications to the e-address indicated at the end of this

 You can find information about our research in:

 J. Mol. Evol. (1994) 38:100
 J. Mol. Evol. (1995) 41:98
 Biosystems  (1995) 35:25
 J. Mol. Biol. (1995) 246:74
 Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res. (1995) 45:180
 Prot. Sci. (1995) 4:1708.
 Immunogenenics (1996) 42:92 .
 J. Mol. Biol. (1995) 254:497.

People interested please contact Dr. Enrique Vargas-Madrazo at
evargas at uv4.invest.uv.mx, evargas at speedy.coacade.uv.mx

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