difficult transfert in western blots

Giorgio Spagnol spagnol at galactica.it
Tue Apr 16 23:07:20 EST 1996

Dear fellow researcher,
the glycoprotein we are studying appears as a doublet in western blots 
after SDS-PAGE. In non denaturing PAGE (no SDS, no DTT or
 2-ME) it appears as a single band, but it is no longer detectable after 
elettroblotting on nitrocellulose membrane. We think this might be due 
to inefficient transfert for two reasons: 
a) it reacts with its probe in dot blot assays, where non denaturing 
conditions are used.
b) It is still strongly detectable in the gel used for the transfert.
Any hint or suggestion would be gratefully welcomed.

Giorgio Spagnol, MD
Research Associate
Institute of Neurology,
Statal University, Milan,
Via F. Sforza 35,  20122 Milan, Italy.

Phone: 02-55190390 W, 02-6570326 H
FAX:    02- 55190392
E-MAIL: spagnol at galactica.it

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