mouse hepatoma cell lines

Melanie Brazil m-brazil at nimr.mrc.ac.uk
Wed Apr 17 07:24:35 EST 1996

Hello immuno-netters

Does anyone have a mouse hepatoma line that they would be willing to share?
We are looking for a line which secretes the complement protein C5, for use
in antigen processing studies. We have C5-specific T cell hybrids, but no
constant source of the C5 itself.

Thanks in advance


Melanie I Brazil
Dept of Molecular Immunology (Dr Stockinger's lab)
National Institute for Medical Research
The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7 1AA
United Kingdom

tel (44 181) 959 3666 ext 2457
fax (44 181) 913 8531
email m-brazil at nimr.mrc.ac.uk

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