Dear neters:
I have the following data about the growth of the Kabat's Ig database:
Number of
Year Heavy Ligth
1965 0 0
1966 0 2
1967 2 25
1968 4 12
1969 3 15
1970 16 32
1971 29 26
1972 11 24
1973 9 83
1974 39 61
1975 51 67
1976 11 72
1977 21 39
1978 30 62
1979 20 42
1980 50 37
1981 75 64
1982 31 55
1983 89 78
1984 92 126
1985 169 128
1986 103 54
1987 299 237
1988 248 155
1989 442 317
1990 431 350
1991 686 454
1992 744 281
1993 1177 619
1994 690 368
1995 599 495
1996 5 3
It is evident the decreasing in 1994 and 1995.
Does anybody have comments about this?
Is this due to the collection of data or really the researchers are reporting least sequences than before?
Dr. Enrique Vargas-Madrazo
Molecular Laboratory
Biological Research Institute
Veracruzana University
Please don't respond to this e-address, respond to evargas at