cDNA for cyclins and their kinases

William F. Wade William.F.Wade at dartmouth.edu
Mon Apr 29 11:41:53 EST 1996

Dear Colleagues:

I am studying the growth inhibition of B cell lymphomas that are
treated with anti-CD40.  The CD40 receptor is a growth factor for
normal B cell.  It acts by increaseing the expression of Cdk4 and Cdk6,
as well as a survival factor, Bclx(L).  We have found that the Cdk4 and
6 are grossly disregulated in lymphomas treated with anti-CD40 mAb;
this is not seen with isotype-matched control antibody.  We want to
perform antisense DNA experiments to see if we block the increase in
the Cdks, if the growth inhibition is relieved.  A correlate to this
approach would be to make transfectants that have Cdk 4 or 6 under the
control of a an inducible promoter.  Therefore, my question is, can any
of you suggest who I should contact for cDNA (human) to the cyclins and
their kinases.  I have thought of Drs. Sherr and Reed.  Are there
others?  Does the ATTCC have these clones?

Please email me at:william.wade at dartmouth.edu

Thank you for your help in this matter.

William F. Wade, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology

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