Dear fellow netters,
I wonder if someone could answer this question that came to me AFTER
hearing a talk on peripheral tolerance:
What kind of T-cell receptor to T-cell receptor transgenic mice express
on their T-cells? I figured the single T-cell should express both
receptors, the indigenous and the transgenic, but I wonder if there is a
kind of bilateral exclusion so that only one kind of receptor is
expressed and therefore there would be a subpopulation of T-cells
expressing the transgenic receptor. Does anyone know to what percentage
this subpopulation can build up to?
Thanks in advance for any input!
Dr. Volker Blaschke
Depts. of Biochemistry, Dermatology
Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany
Email: vblasch at
Tel: xx49 551 39 5959 / 5978