Anti -cat antibodies

Steven M. Townson townson at uthscsa.edu
Tue Dec 3 20:35:30 EST 1996

Hi all,

I am writing to find out how I can get a hold of antibodies to
chloramphenicol-acetyltransferase. If you know of a supplier or lab with
a hybridoma still in culture that I may be able to purchase some from,
it would be well appreciated if you could email me.

Thanks in advance

-Steven M. Townson

Dr. S. M. Townson (Ph.D.)
The Institute of Biotechnology
Health Science Center at San Antonio
15355 Lambda Drive
San Antonio
Texas, 78245-3207
email: townson at uthscsa.edu
phone: (210) 567 7255
fax: (210) 567 7247

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