Attention: Science Magazine readers and Science Online users

Chuck Munson cmunson at aaas.org
Wed Dec 4 11:06:09 EST 1996

Attention: Science Magazine readers and Science Online users.

Beginning in January 1997, access to Science Online will change.
Unlimited access to all features, including full text and abstracts of
news and research articles, ScienceNow daily news service, and Enhanced
Perspectives will require AAAS membership and a modest additional access

Many features, including job listings, Science Professional Network,
news summaries, Science’s Next Wave, and This Week in Science, will
remain free of charge, but will require registration. 

Current and past Tables of Contents will continue to be available to
unregistered visitors, and searches will still point to
access-controlled information that meets the search criteria, but the
contents will not be made available without the appropriate

We invite you to continue visiting the site, and hope you will examine
the options for continued use, and choose the one that is most
appropriate to your needs.

If you need more information about Science Online, or the features of
the various options, please visit the site at http://www.sciencemag.org/
You can also contact the membership office of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, the publisher of Science magazine, at
membership at aaas.org for other inquiries regarding Science, Science
Online, or AAAS.

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