ELISA kits for chemokines

Erich Lederer lederer at pk-i.med.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Dec 4 10:24:27 EST 1996

Yes, there are !

The companies R&D Systems and Biosource are selling kits against RANTES, 
MIP1-a and MIP-1b,. 
We tested  the kits against RANTES (of both) and MIP-1b (R&D) and found 
them working well. 

Good Luck 

Erich Lederer
*   Dr. Erich Lederer                        *
*                                            *
*   Infektiologielabor                       *
*   Med. Poliklinik Muenchen                 *
*   Pettenkoferstr. 8a                       *
*   D-80336 Muenchen/Germany                 *
*   Tel. 0049-(0)89-5160-3653                *
*   Fax. 0049-(0)89-5160-3593                *
*   e-mail: lederer at pk-i.med.uni-muenchen.de *

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