Disability Support Channel's new location

LifeChallenges at Juno.com LifeChallenges at Juno.com
Thu Dec 5 11:42:56 EST 1996

#LifeChallenges, the chronic illness/pain/disability support Haven
is up and running in it's new and permanent home base!I hope 
everyone had a wonderful holiday, so now let's get back to 
work and enjoy this channel, making it as special as all the people 
who man it, visit it, and make it part of their lives. It's a good 
channel and in this medium, security, protection, etc, is needed, but 
so is accessibility and it would not be fair to have let it die on 
Galaxynet!!!  Let's bring life back into this old croaker for 
#LifeChallenges still has some miles on it to go!!
Chanserv has been set up so that anyone not on the ops list will not 
get opped by chanserv even if they are the first and only person in 
the channel at that time.  Regulars are welcome and wanted as 
usual; we are now in a heavy traffic zone which is not out of the 
way for anyone, so there should not be any more of that isolation 
we experienced on Newnet and especially Galaxynet. Right now it's 
private,which means only those who know about the channel and 
need the safety of this kind of channel, are the ones who will be 
visiting it and making it home. 

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