Postdoctoral fellowship

Edward K.L. Chan,Ph.D. echan at scripps.edu
Wed Dec 4 20:35:06 EST 1996

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION available to study autoimmunity induced by mercury
in a murine model. Projects will examine the interplay between cell
type, cytokine profile and cell surface receptor expression in eliciting
a humoral autoimmune response and immunopathology. Prior background in
cellular or humoral immunology and animal studies desirable. Send
curriculum vitae and names and addresses of three references to: K.
Michael Pollard, Ph. D., Assistant Member, The Scripps Research
Institute, SBR6, 10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037. FAX:
619 784-2131; Email: mpollard at scripps.edu

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