Immunology Symposium

Esteban Celis esteban_celis at cytelcorp.com
Fri Dec 6 19:15:31 EST 1996

The 9th International Symposium on the Immunobiology of Proteins and
Peptides will take place on May 21-25 at the Chateu Whistler Resort (75
miles from Vancouver, Canada). The symposium is organized by Drs. M. Z.
Atassi, G. S. Bixler and E. Appella.   The main theme of the formal
conference symposia will be Autoimmune Diseases and Immunotherapy of
Cancer. Abstracts in these fields will be accepted. Invited speakers
include: J. Adema, J. Berzofsky, E. Celis, A. DeLeo, V. Engelhard, H.
Grey, D. Hafler, I. Helstrom, D. Hunt, M. Kast, R. Kiessling, A. Knuth,
P. Kourilsky, J. Leonard, M. Lotze, G. Parmiani, E. Sercarz, A. Sette,
L. Sherman and D. Singer.
For more information contact:
Registration Secretariat
Conference Dept.
Oaks Travel
3100 Willcrest, Suite 360
Houston, TX 77042, USA
Tel (800) 284 0679
Fax (713) 430 1955

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