
Dwight N. Crawford III dc4909 at PCPS.EDU
Mon Dec 9 13:52:42 EST 1996

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Immunologists,
My name is Dwight Crawford and am a fourth year biochemistry student at
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Sciences. This year I performed
an extensive literature search to become familiar in the negative
regulation of CTLA-4 in the activation of T cells. The majority of the
research being performed presently is the blockage of CTLA-4 to
intensify the immune response against autoimmune diseases. However, I've
seen little other information on costimulatory molecules. Is CD28 and
CTLA-4 the only two receptors associated with the activation T cells? If
not, what are the others? In addition, some research has indicated that
the sequence of the cytoplasmic domain regulates the subcellular
localization (The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270:42, 1995, pgs
25107-25114). What are the normal regulation mechanisms controlling the
production of CTLA-4? Finally, why would it be possible to allow the
blockage of CTLA-4 and see an improved immune response to autoimmune
disease? Wouldn't the affinity of the T cell to the diseased cells need
to also be increased?
If any responces to these questions could be sent to Dwight N. Crawford
III, it would be greatly appreciated. E-mail address: dc4909 at pcps.edu.
Thank you,
Dwight Crawford
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