Tired of searching for sources and reading articles? Try Global Search.

Dominik Jacobs dominik at ucla.edu
Sun Dec 8 19:11:45 EST 1996

If you need to write reports or papers but don't have enough time to
look for the information you need, then let Global Search help you.

Tell us about the project you're working on and the knowledge people at
Global Search will assemble a comprehensive list of books, journal
articles and Web sites for your academic needs.

We will also, at your request, produce a personal summary of any book or
journal article, giving your more time to work on your project and LESS
time doing library research.

With access to a variety of printed and electronic information and
competitive rates established for students and professors, let Global
Search turn your project into a first-class affair.  E-mail the Global
Search staff at dominik at ucla.edu today.

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