Hi. My name is John and I am an undergraduate senior biology student at
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. I am in need of IMMEDIATE
RESPONSE to several questions I have regarding antigen presentation for
a class assignment. I'd appreciate ANY response! Thanks in advance!
Please feel free to answer any of the questions.
What is the MOST CURRENT findings and/or opinions on the following:
-the role of ubiquination
-the importance of LMP-2 and/or LMP-7
-the importance of IFN-gamma
-MHC I loading versus MHC II
-enzymes that trim antigenic peptides to proper lengths
-TAP (is it physically bound to 20S proteasomes, etc)
What are the potential applications of such antigen research? Cancer?
Viral disease? Transplants? How distant in the future are such
Why are some researchers skeptical of such work in cancer applications?
Thank you!