bds wrote:
> This is the $1.00 concept explained without the hype and silly numbers!
> Read the following carefully and you could be joining the many thousands
> of Internet users who are currently earning quite large sums of money
> with a few hours work using their computers via the Internet!
> ******************************************************************************
I hope you realize that what you are doing constitutes a "pyramid
scheme" and is highly illegal (even on the Internet). And I here that
guys like you "spammers" are being highly sought after by the FBI for
this very reason (or are you smart enough to watch CNN). Why do guys
like you try for an easy buck? Quit spamming the network and obey the
rules of the newsgroups, asshole.
P.S. If I get flamed, I'll get my fellows here on the newsgroup and in
lab to respond likewise. Just take your crap elsewere, like to the
gaming groups.
C. J. Fields
Graduate Student, Dept. of Biological Sciences
The University of North Texas
Denton, TX
email : cfields at
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car
keys to teenage boys"
-P. J. O'Rourke
"Join the military. Travel to exotic places, meet exciting people, then
kill them"