postdoc position, wanted

Chun Jeih Ryu cjryu at
Thu Dec 19 19:34:10 EST 1996

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a research scientist at the Korea Institute of Biosciences and
Biotechnology. Next year, I will get my doctor degree in virology and
molecular immunology. I have studied molecular biology, virology and
immunology. I want to find a post-doctoral position. Although my studies
have been related to HBV and recombinant antibodies so far, I'd like to
study any work in cellular immunology fields and I have the confidence
to do them well. If anybody has an interest in me, please contact me by
e-mail or Fax. I enclose my CV below. I am just waiting for your

Sincerely yours,

Chun Jeih Ryu, Ph.D candidate
Antibody Engineering R.U., KRIBB, KIST, P.O. Box 115,
Yuseong, Taejon 305-600, South Korea
Tel. 82-42-860-4124
Fax. 82-42-860-4597
e-mail. cjryu at geri4680.geri.re.kr


Name : Chun Jeih Ryu, Ph.D candidate
   (Home) : 136-1203 Hanbit APT,  Eoeun-dong, Yusong-Ku
                  Taejon, South Korea
   (Lab.)  : Antibody Engineering Research Unit, KRIBB, KIST
                 P.O. Box 115, Yusong, Taejon, 305-600, South Korea
Tel. : 82-42-860-4124
FAX: 82-42-860-4597
e-mail:cjryu at geri4680.geri.re.kr 

Date of Birth: January 31, 1964          Sex: male

 B.S. : Department of Biochemistry, Yonsei University,
          Seoul, Korea (Mar, 1982 - Feb, 1987)
 M.S. : Department of Biological Science and Technology, KAIST,
           Seoul, Korea (Mar, 1987 - Feb, 1989)
 Ph.D : Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Taejon, Korea 
            (Sep, 1992- Feb, 1997).
            Dissertation: A humanized antibody with specificity for
                                 hepatitis B surface antigen 
            Professor: Dr. Yoo, Ook Joon.

Advisor : Hyo Jeong Hong,Ph.D(KRIBB, KIST)& Ook Joon Yoo,Ph.D(KAIST)

Research Scientist in Antibody Engineering Res. Unit, KRIBB, KIST
(July, 1989 - to date)

Research Interest:
Virology and Immunology

Research Experience
    Purification and Characterization of Restriction Endonuclease
    Cloning and Expression of Antibody Genes in Myeloma and CHO Cells 
    Establishment and Humanization of Murine Mab (hybridoma technology) 
    Studies on Viral Transactivator (CAT assay)
    Primary Cell Culture of Human and Rat Hepatocyte
    Purification and Characterization of HBV from transfected HepG2

1. Hyo Jeong Hong, Ph D
 Antibody Engineering Research Unit, KRIBB, KIST
 P.O. Box 115, Yusong, Taejon, 305-600, South Korea
 Tel. 82-42-860-4122
 Fax. 82-42-860-4597

2. Ook Joon Yoo, Ph D
 Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Yusong, Taejon 305-707, South
 Tel. 82-42-869-4016
 Fax. 82-42-869-8160

3. Cheorl Ho Kim, Ph D
 Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Oriental
 Dong-Guk University, Sukjang-Dong #707, Kyung-Ju City, Kyung-Pook
 780-714, South Korea
 Tel. 82-561-770-2663
 Fax. 82-561-770-2663


A. Domestic Journal
1. C. J. Ryu, C. H. Lee and O. J. Yoo (1989)  A New Restriction
Endonuclease, Bsp1894I, From Bacillus sphaericus 1894. Korean Biochem.
J. 22, 444-447.

2. C. J. Ryu, B. R. Jin, H. J. Hong and M. H. Han (1991) Molecular
cloning of an immunoglobulin gene encoding the heavy chain of a
monoclonal antibody  specific for the pre-S2 antigen of hepatitis B
virus. Mol. Cells 2, 97-101.

3. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, S. S. Park, H. J. Hong and M. H. Han (1993)
Expression of a chimeric antibody with specificity for pre-S2 surface
antigen of Hepatitis B virus in murine myeloma cell line. Mol. Cells 3,

4. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, H. J. Hong and M. H. Han (1993) Production
kinetics and  stability of a transfectoma cell line secreting
murine/human chimeric antibody. Mol. Cells 3, 233-237.

5. S. B. Ryum, B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu and H. J. Hong and (1994) Expression
and purification of hepatitis B virus pre-S1 fusion protein in
Escherichia coli. Mol. Cells 4, 189-193.
6. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, S. S. Park, H. C.  Kim, M. H. Han and H. J.
Hong (1994) Production of a murine/human chimeric antibody specific for
S surface  antigen of hepatitis B virus. Korean J. BRM. 4, 221-229.

7. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, S. K. Kang, S. S. Park, M. H. Han and H. J.
Hong (1995) Expression of a Murine-Human Chimeric Antibody with
Specificity for the preS2 Surface Antigen of Hepatitis B Virus in 
Baculovirus-infected Insect Cells. J. of Kor. Soc. of Virology 25(2)

8. Y. K. Kim, H. S. Kim, C. J. Ryu, B. R. Jin, H. J. Hong (1996)
Production and characterization of murine monoclonal antibody to
hepatitis B virus preS1. The Korean Journal of Immunology 18, 367-373.

B.  International Journal
9. H. J. Hong, K. L. Heo, C. J. Ryu  and O. J. Yoo (1992) An additional
human serine tRNA gene. Nucleic Acids Res. 20(5), 1144.

10. H. J. Hong, A. K.  Kim, C. J. Ryu, S. S.  Park, H. K. Chung, K. S. 
Kwon, K. L. Kim, J. Kim and M. H. Han  (1992) Cloning and
characterization  of cDNA coding for  heavy and light chains of  a
monoclonal  antibody specific for  pre-S2 antigen  of hepatitis B virus.
Gene 121, 331-335.

11. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, S. S. Park, U. Namgung, H. J. Hong and M. H.
Han (1993) Cloning, expression and characterization of  a murine/human
chimeric antibody with specificity for pre-S2 surface antigen of
hepatitis B virus. Mol. Immunology 30, 1647-1654.
12. C. J. Ryu, B.  R. Jin, H. K. Chung, M. H. Han and H. J. Hong (1994)
Cloning  and characterization of cDNAs  coding for  heavy and light 
chains of  a monoclonal antibody specific for S antigen of hepatitis B
virus. Gene 144, 313-314.

13. B. R. Jin, C. J. Ryu, S. K. Kang, M. H. Han and H. J. Hong (1995)
Characterization of a murine-human chimeric antibody with specificity
for the  preS2 surface antigen of hepatitis B virus expressed in
baculovirus-infected insect cells. Virus Res. 38, 269-277.

14. S. S. Park, C. J. Ryu, P. Gripon, C. Guguen-Guillouzo and H. J. Hong
(1996) Generation and characterization of a humanized antibody with
specificity for preS2 surface antigen of hepatitis B virus. Hybridoma
15, 435-441.

15.  C. J. Ryu, E. A. Padlan, B. R. Jin, O. J. Yoo and H. J. Hong (1996)
A humanized antibody with specificity for hepatitis B surface antigen.
Human Antibodies and Hybridomas. In press.

16.  C. J. Ryu, P. Gripon, S. S. Park, Y. K. Kim, C. Guguen-Guillouzo,
O. J. Yoo and H. J. Hong (1996) In vitro neutralization of hepatitis B
virus infection by anti-HBsAg monoclonal antibodies. Submitted to J.
Med. Virol.

17. S. J. Kim, N. S. Kim, C. J. Ryu, H. J. Hong, and G. M. Lee (1996)
Characterization of Chimeric Antibody Producing CHO Cells in the Course
of Dihydrofolate Reductase-Mediated Gene Amplification and Their
Instability in the Absence of Selective Pressure. Submitted to
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 

18. H. S. Kim, C. J. Ryu and H. J. Hong (1996) Hepatitis B virus preS1
functions as a transcriptional activation domain. Submitted to J. Gen.
19. Y. K. Kim, I. H. Choi, C. J. Ryu and H. J. Hong (1996) Generation
and biochemical properties of a single-chain immunoglobulin. Submitted
to J. Biochem.

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