HIV receptors on T cells

RWC112233 rwc112233 at aol.com
Mon Dec 23 18:05:11 EST 1996

HIV receptors on T cells

CD4      is essential in every case       From the 1980s.

CCR3    has been shown to be involved in HIV entry, but in vivo relevance
is questionable, as it's expression is limited to eosinophils.

CCR5    for macrophage tropic strains, but it's not expressed on primary
macs in vivo, only on some T cell lines in vitro.    Gallo's group/NIH and
U MD, Baltimore.

FUSIN   for T cell tropic strains of HIV.  It's expressed on primary T
cells of CD4 and CD8, and macrophages, as well as cell lines in vitro.   
E. Berger's group/NIH.

there are othere molecules (CD11/18,  CD50) that are required for certain
strains of the virus, and for syncytia formation, and these are
undoubtedly important, but cannot be called receptors technically, as HIV
is not binding to them.

There are probably more receptors that are currently unknown, and possibly
these are chemokine receptors.

Also, it appears that there are some cells in the brain that can be
infected and which do not express CD4.

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