On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Chris Nelson wrote:
> The authors K.M. Price, A.S. Cuthbertson, I.M. Varndell and P.W. Sheppard
> were working in the Division of Molecular Bioscience, Cambridge Research
> Biochemicals Ltd, Button End, Harston, Cambridge, CB2 5NX UK.
> I have been unable to locate any of the authors or the company.
> Does anyone have this monoclonal, or know where I might get it?
They moved...... Now they are owned by Zeneca I think...anyway the new
addresses for them are...
Gadbrook Park, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 7RA. Phone +44 1606 41100
FAX +44 1606 49366 (replace +44 with 0 from in the UK)
Foulkstone 1403, 2nd
1800 Concord Pike
DE 19850-5457
phone (302) 477 8205, toll free (800) 327 0125, FAX (302) 8275/8270