At 23:57 12/30/96 GMT, Betty Bridges wrote:
>I am looking for information on hereditary angioedema. Any information
>on the clinical manifestations of this disorder, testing, or treatment
>would be helpful.
>>Thank you very much,
>>Betty Bridges, RN
HANE is a rare form of angioedema and is due to an autosomal dominant
deficiency of complement C1 inhibitor. This defect produces an
uncontrolled activation of the early components of the complement system.
Measurment of serum C4 levels is the best screening test. Administration
of fresh plasma and/or androgen therapy is often the treatment of choice.
Running a medline search for C1 inhibitor deficiency should provide ample
reading material. Any advanced/intermediate Immunology should also provide
more introductory material as well as provide more selected reading.
Hope this helps,
David L. Haviland, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. Immunology
University of Texas - Houston, H.S.C.
Institute of Molecular Medicine
2121 W. Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
Internet:"dhavilan at"
Voice: 713.500.2413 FAX: 713.500.2424
" Sometimes you're the windsheild, sometimes you're the bug."