Leslie Confer lconfer at moose.erie.net
Wed Jan 31 01:36:24 EST 1996

In article <8B9A28C.1A2800075E.uuout at westonia.com>,
   bill.mcintosh at westonia.com (BILL MCINTOSH) wrote:
>The company I work for is planning on setting up a LAN. We've got the 
>end of things worked out, but we are still unsure of which database 
>to use. We need a software that allows us to track service calls, 
>stock etc. of medical equipment. A call summary field is also needed. 
Visual C 
>and Paradox are two titles I've heard mentioned. Lotus Notes?
>Any help appreciated.
If you want something that is easy to set up and
use, try Alpha 5 for Windows or Alpha 6 for DOS.
They are available from Alpha Software at reasonable
prices.  You probably set up a simple relational
database in a few hours, or a more complex one
in a few days.  It's not the very fastest, but
it keeps up it's end of things fairly well.

Best regards,

Les Confer
lconfer at moose.erie.net

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