C1 Esterase Deficiency

Richard A. Vaillancourt redsky at public.compusult.nf.ca
Mon Jul 1 10:20:21 EST 1996

I am not a medical person and am therefore seeking info on a condition called 
C1 Esterase Deficiency, which a local gastroenterologist/internal medicine 
speicalist diagnosed me with recently. I'm not sure if I have the right 
newsgroup but I can tell you tajt it is apparently a rare geneticc blood 
enzyme disorder. My first bloodwork came back as below normal and the second 
just above normal. As a result, the doctor has lost interest in my case and 
has classified me as a 'borderline' case. This, of course, doesn't help solve 
my medical problems though.

Any help, suggestions, or info re a doctor with a special interest in this 
would be most appreciaited.

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