Lichen sclerosus and scleroderma

ray at sirius.com ray at sirius.com
Mon Jul 1 17:03:35 EST 1996

Hi, all--

Is there a higher incidence of "lichen sclerosus" (also known as
"white spot disease") with people who have scleroderma?

We'd like to know whether the joints tend to get fluid in them
and swell up (like in RA.)  There's no tightness of the skin
around those particular joints.  Is the lack of mobility of the
joints in that particular disease caused by the skin getting
tighter and tighter (thereby making it so that the joints have
less motion)?  Or can you have the joint tenderness and swelling,
etc. without the tight skin?

The patient's lower leg (the shin area) has a mirror-like look to
it but if you push the skin together, it gets crinkly.  It
appears like a tightening of the skin from below the knee down to
the foot.  Whereas the back of the calf muscle is not like that
(it looks normal.)  There's no noticeable tightening of any other
skin on the body and yet the patient has all these joint pains in the
shoulders, both wrists, fingers, etc.

Also, the patient's ANA result is normal (i.e. not indicative of lupus).

Thanks. Please email me your response.


ray at sirius.com

To err is human; to moo, bovine.

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